Boston Airport Cab-Local and state officials are taking an in-depth review of the dangerous section that runs along Great Road in Acton following an array of incidents that included a hit-and-run incident earlier this week. There was also an accident in the past month that claimed the life of a 44-year-old pedestrian.
“I’ve often heard of vehicles speeding too fast, and a need for crosswalks and safer routes to cross the street.” State senator Jamie Eldridge.
The two-mile stretch is located between Breezy Point Rd. and Strawberry Hill Rd. has received renewed interest in the wake of the tragic incident where Strawberry Hill Rd. has been receiving renewed attention following the Cesar Soto Jr. was seriously injured in a crash and run accident that occurred on Wednesday night. Police say that the child was walking across the road at the time the incident occurred. Police are still trying to locate the driver.
In accordance with MassDOT crash statistics, the number of accidents in the region has increased since the beginning of the year causing 24 injuries. A man aged 44 was killed in a crash close to an outlet mall in the month of October. 13 people were killed in Massachusetts. Massachusetts according to reports.
Eldridge claimed she was informed that Acton town officials met together with representatives from the department of state highways during the week for a discussion on security enhancements.
“It might be as simple as the introduction of crossings that have blinking yellow or red lights, as well as improved lighting and signage to allow motorists to crosswalks at night. late evening hours,” Eldridge said.
MassDOT recently launched electronic road signs that warn drivers of speed limits as well as the speed at which they’re traveling.
“I’m just extremely, extremely preoccupied,” said Nancy Greenberg who runs on Great Road every day. “My neighbor informed me that every time I’m running on the streets, there’s a dark light that he is seeing when he drives, and at times he’s blinded by the lighting.”
These issues require urgent attention. It’s regrettable that Acton hasn’t been able to help its residents. We are at Boston Airport Cab and will attempt to make noise to attract the attention of the authorities, until then, you must be cautious.
Image Credits- Head on Car Collision